Artist & Textile Designer
Since retiring, I have decided to rekindle my interest in drawing. Because of the Internet, the possibilities of reaching vast numbers of people are great. Hence, the development of this website.
During the 70s I decided to attend F.I.T., the Fashion Institute of Technology located in New York City and majored in textile design. After putting together my portfolio of original designs, I found work at two of the major textile firms in the city. Springs Industries and Cannon Mills. There, I designed lingerie, children’s wear, kitchen curtains, as well as, sheets and bedspreads. At that time computer generated designs were non-existent. All designs were drawn by hand.
The Rose Design, pictured below. was done during the early 80s, while working for Canon Mills. My intent was to create a lovely floral pattern specifically for the company’s domestic line [sheets and bedspreads]. I wanted it to be special because the company was designing specific patterns for the hit TV show, which at the time, was Dynasty. Several of the lead actors were in attendance for the grand opening which took place in the company’s showroom. I remember John Forsythe being there. He starred as an oil tycoon Blake Carrington and Linda Evans starred as Krystle Carrington, his wife. I loved that show and couldn’t wait until Wednesday evenings for the next episode to begin. Unfortunately, my painting of roses was not selected.
The design shown above was painted on rice paper with gouache water base paint.
Pink and white roses with green leaves.
Painting on rice paper for kitchen curtains blue color combination.
Painting on rice paper for kitchen curtains pink color combination.
All designs were drawn by hand. The image above, on the left, is of a design that was painted on rice paper using gouache water-base paint. A similar pattern, shown on the right, was painted in pink and orange colors, also, in gouache paint. These designs would then be approved by a stylist, then be sent to a textile mill, in the south, to be printed on fabric. The pattern on the right has been transferred from paper and printed on fabric.
Shown above is the design printed on fabric.
Teapot with flowers pattern was hand drawn and painted with gouache water-based paint on rice paper. While working at Springs Industries during the late 70s I had the opportunity to design pajamas for children, lingerie for women, as well as, kitchen curtains. Both photographs show this design on fabric
At the present time I am living in Bangor, ME. Originally, from New York City, I’m enjoying living in a rural state, where the pace of daily life is slower. Winters can be rough in some seasons, however, spring, summer and fall, usually do not reach temperatures as high as in NYC. Plus, Maine has many beautiful days with clear blue skies, cool breezes and plenty of sunshine. As you walk out side on a day like this, when passing another person, there’s usually an exchange similar to, “It’s a beautiful day,” said with a smile as a greeting.
Shown below are a few designs I put together while attending Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. These patterns make up a portion of what was shown to stylists at textile firms, they were part of my textile design portfolio which was instrumental in helping me find work; first, as a colorist for a small men’s manufacturing company that is no longer in business, second, as a designer for both Springs Industries and Cannon Mills.